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Jamuna Bank Ltd Recruitment Test for Probationary Officer Examination Held On : 20.10.2017 || 2017

All Question

Let, x marbles are there in box. 

Now, total capacity of the box= x+100

According to the question,


There are 80 marbles in the box.

10 months ago

In 18 days, they can complete = 1 parts of work 

In 1 days, they can complete= 118 parts of work

In 12 days, they can complete = 1218=23 parts of work 

Remaining work  =1-23=3-23=13

Now,13 parts of work is done by Alam in = 8 days 

1 or complete parts of work is done by Alam in= 8 × 3 = 24 days

Alam can do 124 parts of work in 1 day.

Minhaz can do in 1 day =118-124=4-372=172 parts

That means 172 parts of work is done by Minhaz in 1 day

1 or complete parts of work is done by Minhaz in 72×11=72 day

He can do the whole work alone in 72 days. ans.

10 months ago

Life of a Job Seeker in Bangladesh

The person who seeks job after completing his graduation is called a job seeker. In other sense, can be called that every common man or woman who seeks job is a job seeker. The life of a jo seeker is not mostly comfortable. He always seeks for the job advertisement and submit application for the vacant post. Always he/she is busy with study. He or she often awakes the whole nigh When a job seeker gets leisure time he dreams for a job as well as a better life. In most cases, he on she is seen visiting library, collecting book and teaching students to live himself or herself. The life of a job seeker becomes more painful when he or she is considered to be the only earning member to the family. Despite being an unemployed person he or she has to think not only for himself but also for the others family members. 

10 months ago
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